Health and security
The employment of disabled workers
In order to promote the integration of disabled workers into the workforce, companies are required to meet certain obligations regarding the employment of disabled workers. Disabled workers are defined as people whose possibilities of obtaining or keeping a job are...
The implementation of video surveillance cameras in the workplace
The European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) issued a ruling on October 17, 2019 authorizing the use of video surveillance devices of employees without having informed them beforehand. However, it limits this type of recourse to the existence of reasonable suspicion of...
The company rules and regulations
The company rules and regulations are a unilateral regulatory act of private law (n°87-42.396), issued by the employer, which applies to all employees of the company, whether they were hired before or after its entry into force. 1/ Companies subject to the obligation...
Banning alcohol through house rules
In a decision dated July 8, 2019, the Council of State reviewed the provisions that can be included in the internal regulations of a company, particularly with regard to prohibiting alcohol in the company. In this case, a company specializing in the manufacture of...
Employee’s work computer: how to access files?
An employer is entitled to consult "personal" files stored by an employee on a professional computer made available to him and to use these elements to justify a dismissal procedure. This position was once again recalled by the European Court of Human Rights in a...
The delegation of powers: a tool to avoid a criminal conviction for the company director
The company director is personally responsible for compliance with the regulations If you are a company director, you should know that if you have not set up a delegation of authority, you may be held criminally liable for offences in which you did not personally take...
In general, the articles written on the Social Law Blog do not claim to offer a detailed legal analysis. They also do not aim to provide exhaustive coverage of the topics discussed. However, the articles go beyond simple descriptions or popularization of current events or legal themes, and the legal interpretations and explanations provided are precise and accurate. Furthermore, the legal author consistently seeks to highlight the connection between labor law and the life of companies, enabling human resources managers, HR directors, and business owners to adapt their practices or anticipate certain risks. Lastly, this blog does not express political opinions. Any critiques expressed occasionally are the author’s personal views and do not have any political or advocacy objectives.